Riverton SDA Church

The Greatest Gift

Hello All,

(Just a general disclaimer that I must insert here at the beginning. I am but a lay person, like most of you. And these weekly “thoughts” are but my own. Not the definitive word on this or any topic. Just my own conclusions derived from my own study and faith in God. The greatest hope I have for these weekly “thoughts” is to have them be a springboard for further study on your part. Not to be a weekly treatise to be blindly accepted. So, please read them with this intent, this motive in mind).


A new “Adult Sabbath School Study Guide” lesson quarterly for our first quarter of 2023 titled “Managing for the Master”, and our first lesson titled “Part of God’s Family”. In the introduction on pages 2-3 the principal contributor states, “God is the One with the resources, and when we work with Him, He allows us to handle them for Him”. Amen… and praise His name for it.

On Tuesdays’ lesson the quarterly adds another layer to this understanding. It says, “… God, who ‘gives to all life, breath and all things’ (acts 17: 27 NKJV), has given us existence, the promise of salvation, material blessings, and spiritual gifts in order to be a blessing to others.” This underscores a most sublime truth. That we have been gifted, so we in turn can give. God has not given to us so we will hold Him tight to ourselves. But so we can then give… even as He gives. Remember, though, God’s gift is not like our gifts. His gift is… Himself.

"While it is true that God Himself is the great Reward, that embraces every other, the soul receives and enjoys Him only as it becomes assimilated to Him in character. Only like can appreciate like. It is as we give ourselves to God for the service of humanity that He gives Himself to us” (Mount of Blessing pg. 81). The gift of Himself. Isn’t this just like our God of Love! He gives Himself.  But, we only can truly receive that gift of Himself, if we make that Gift (make God and His great love for others) our highest aim and motive in life.

True “Managing for the Master” is not managing His things. It is a way of bringing God into our every action. Bringing love and truth into our every action. This is the true giving. If God gives Himself to us, we in-turn are to give ourselves to others. We are not to give mere things without the giving of ourselves.

It’s like the person standing at the “Walmart” exit with a cardboard sign asking for help. So easy to roll-down the window and give a few dollars. Or even to go to “MacDonald’s” first and buy some food and then return to “Walmart” and give that food to the person. So easy. And then drive away feeling like you’ve done God’s work. NO! This is not God’s way.

His way would be more like… stopping and talking to the person. Getting to know their story. Digging to hear what is really going-on with that person. Is it only money they need… or food? And why? Why are you here freeloading/ panhandling? He would ask questions… and listen. God would give Himself to the person. Give His time, His energy, His attention. He would give that person love… and truth, too. And in-turn, this is what we are to do. This is the true “managing for the master”. Allowing our Father to love us, so that we in-turn will love others. Love, steering all that we are and all that we do. Love. How good can it be??

With brotherly love,
