Riverton SDA Church

General Conference Session Day 4

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On Tuesday afternoon at the 61st General Conference Session, GC CFO/Treasurer Paul Douglas delivered his Treasurer’s Report, giving an overview of the financial position and performance of the global Seventh-day Adventist Church over the past seven years.

Douglas began his presentation by recognizing how the present financial position of the Church would not be possible without God’s constant leading and providence—not only over the past seven years, but since the Adventist Church began in 1863.

“In 1863, when the General Conference was organized, the records tell us that there were 125 churches reporting a total tithe of $8000,” he began. “Nearly 160 years later, with more than 90,000 churches, the data shows approximately $2.7 billion in tithe, $1 billion in local church offerings, and $81 million in world mission offerings. This, my friends, is God’s money to be used for the mission He has entrusted us.”

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Thursday, June 9th, 2022 marked the fourth day of the hybrid General Conference (GC) Session in St. Louis, Missouri. It was also the final day of scheduled business meetings. The day began with a digital concert featuring linguistically diverse musicians from around the globe. The business session followed with a warm welcome from Stephen Apola, associate director of the GC. Charissa Torossian, Prayer Ministries Director from the North New South Wales Conference, virtually shared a compelling message entitled “The Life and Ministry of Mary Magdalene,” reminding listeners that when we are devoted to Jesus, we live for Him, learn from Him, seek to listen to Him, and long to be in His presence. She reviews the life of Mary, noting how Jesus was worth everything to her. Torossian asked the question, “What is Jesus worth to you?” The morning worship came to a close with a time of prayer.

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Mid-America's OUTLOOK magazine will be on location at the 2022 General Conference Session in St. Louis. This year's session will be the first that is a hybrid event. We will be on the ground sharing how it all works, capturing exclusive stories, experiences, votes taken, unique images and videos from our own 16 delegates and visitors from around the globe. Subscribe to our e-newsletter bit.ly/myOUTLOOK or social media for daily updates at Facebook @outlookmag, Instagram @outlookmag, or Twitter @myoutlookmag.

Communication Director / Editor - Rajmund Dabrowski
Communication/Media Assistant - Jon Roberts
E-mail: nuggets@rmcsda.org

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